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Looking for the Life Education Bus? Then congratulations – you’ve found us!


Life Education Wessex & Thames Valley (to use our official title) is a local charity providing high-quality Health and Drug Education to schools across:


  • Wessex - Devon & Cornwall, Dorset, Hampshire and Somerset

  • Thames Valley - Berkshire, Buckinghamshire,  Oxfordshire and East Swindon


We do this by visiting schools with our wonderful and completely unique mobile classroom (affectionately known as the ‘Life Bus’) where our highly skilled Educators deliver age-appropriate lessons to each and every class.


Many schools book a visit from us every year as a key part of their PSHE curriculum (Personal, Social & Health Education).


Schools love us, teachers love us, children love us and even Ofsted like us quite a lot!  Learning comes naturally in the Life Bus where a positive, fun-filled experience is guaranteed!


‘Helping children make healthy choices’

That’s our motto – or mission statement, if you like – in a nutshell.

And it’s what we do – we help young people to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to make their own positive choices about their health (both physical and emotional).

About Life Education

About Life Education


If you’re a Nursery, Infant, Junior, Primary, Special or Independent School in these areas, we can visit and work with you! We visit around 340 schools each year where over 70,000 children experience Life Education


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What we do

What we do and how we help


We aim deliver a Life Education session to each class in the school. There’s a different programme  for each Year Group from Nursery/Foundation (3-4 year olds) to Year 6 (10 -11 year olds).

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Get in touch

Get in touch


If you’d like to support Life Education in your area and our work, book a visit from the Life Education Bus to your school or just want to find out more about us, then we’d love to hear from you. 


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Why we do it

The well being and health of our young people is the future of our community.  Healthier, happier children do better in life. Our young children are facing ever increasing pressures and risk of damage to their health.

16% of 2- to 15-year-olds are obese and a further 12% are overweight. 

Source: Health Survey for England 2016 (NHS Digital)

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