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Our specially trained educators use a wide range of teaching and learning styles - whole class discussion, paired work, reflection, hands-on activities, music, drama, games and puppetry - to ensure that every child is able to learn in a way that suits them; and specific, positive teaching techniques to increase children's interest, raise their self-esteem and boost their learning further.


A different, age-appropriate workshop is available for each primary year group from Nursery to Year 6.


The Life Education workshops can currently be delivered via LifeBase or SCARF Live Online - see below for more information.

SCARF Live Online

We're now delivering new, innovative, online school workshops.  SCARF Live Online virtual workshops are delivered by our highly trained educators.  Children love these exciting, memorable workshops focusing on emotional health and wellbeing, giving them positive, exciting enrichment experiences and enhancing their emotional health.  By booking these workshops your whole school will benefit from SCARF  - our comprehensive PSHE curriculum, at no extra cost!

Read what teachers say about our SCARF Live Online workshops.


For schools where visits from our educators are possible, we're ready with our LifeBase workshops.


LifeBase sessions provide high-quality, inspiring enrichment experiences, developing essential life skills. Expert educators deliver sessions covering sensitive issues including drug use, safe and unsafe relationships, and mental health. Children remember these workshops long after they've left primary school.



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LifeSpace is an inflatable learning environment which is erected in a suitable space within your school.  Inside you will find wonderful lighting effects; use of technology to look inside the body and find out how it works; a large screen; and Harold, the giraffe puppet.

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