How much does it cost?
£385 per day
12 month subscription to SCARF included subject to total cost of visit being sufficient to cover the cost of SCARF resources for your school, based on Number on Roll
Bookings must be for a minimum of one day
Funding a visit
It costs our charity in the region of £530 per day to deliver the service to the schools. The difference between the charge made to the school and the actual cost is subsidised by donations and income from fundraising activities.
We appreciate that funding a visit from us can be difficult for some schools. Below are some suggestions of possible funding support, many of which have proved fruitful for schools in helping them to fund a visit from Life Education:
Parents – ask for a voluntary contribution (average cost £3 per pupil)
PTA/Friends of the School
Sponsored event - using Life Education as a focus for a Health/Science week
Local Grant Making Trusts- ask your Parish Council/local solicitors who may be trustees
Parish/Town Councils - funds are often available for local organisations
Local Rotary, Lions, Round Table and Soroptomist Clubs, etc.
Local Companies/Church
Local Health Centre/Surgery
Local sports clubs - close links to health issues and will need players in the future!
Many of these involve the wider community. As effective Health and Drug Education requires a whole community approach, this can be beneficial in terms of pursuing funding for our visit.